Next-Gen Web3 Gaming: Boomland, Beoble, and Blockchain's Impact

Next-Gen Web3 Gaming: Boomland, Beoble, and Blockchain's Impact

Play To Earn Games | 08 May 2024 15:03 UTC

In the vast and ever-evolving world of gaming, a new chapter is being written—one that promises to redefine our understanding of what it means to play, create, and connect within digital realms. As we venture into this new era, marked by the integration of web3 technologies, it's crucial to understand the groundbreaking developments shaping the future of gaming. From Boomland's strategic partnership with Immutable zkEVM to Beoble's innovative approach to social networking and beyond, the gaming industry is on the brink of a transformation that could very well dictate the direction of digital interaction for years to come.

Boomland and Immutable zkEVM: Pioneering a New Gaming Frontier

At the heart of this transformation is Boomland, creators of the captivating Hunters On-chain game, who are now embarking on a journey with Immutable zkEVM to usher in a new era for Ethereum-compatible blockchain gaming. This move to Immutable's gas-free marketplace, Immutable X, is not just a technical upgrade; it's a beacon of change aimed at eliminating the friction often associated with blockchain gaming—be it high transaction fees or complex user interfaces. Through the use of Immutable Passport, Boomland is enhancing the security and efficiency of blockchain gaming, promising a seamless experience that could attract a broader audience to web3 gaming.

Read also: What to know about Boomland?

Reflecting on my own gaming journey, I recall the days of cumbersome transactions and the steep learning curve associated with blockchain games. Boomland's initiative feels like a breath of fresh air, reminiscent of the early days when gaming was more about the experience than the technical hurdles. It's a step forward in building a more vibrant and engaged gaming community, setting new benchmarks for the industry.

Beoble: Redefining Web3 Social Networking

In a similar vein, Beoble is carving out its niche in the web3 space with a $7M seed funding to unveil its Version 2, featuring multichain integration, in-app social trading, and OTC functionalities. The introduction of the $BBL token is a game-changer, facilitating a myriad of in-app activities, including B2B payments and social trading. This marks a significant stride toward creating a decentralized social networking ecosystem. With the backing of industry giants like Hashkey, Samsung, and DCG, Beoble's vision for a decentralized alternative to traditional social media platforms is closer to reality.

Drawing from personal experiences, the importance of connectivity in gaming cannot be overstated. Beoble's approach to integrating social functionalities within the web3 framework echoes the communal aspect of gaming that many of us cherish. It's a reminder of the countless hours spent in game chats and forums, forging friendships that transcend the digital space.

Stardust and Mysten Labs: Simplifying Game Development on Sui

The partnership between Stardust, a web3 gaming infrastructure provider, and Mysten Labs, the company behind the Sui blockchain, is another cornerstone of this new gaming era. By bringing Stardust’s suite of integration tools to Sui’s scalable, low-fee environment, this collaboration is set to empower developers to unleash their creativity without being bogged down by technical barriers. The integration aims to enhance user experiences and foster a diverse gaming community by making it easier for developers to leverage Sui’s capabilities.

Read also: What is Mysten Labs?

Having dabbled in game development myself, I can attest to the challenges faced by creators, especially when navigating the complexities of blockchain technologies. This collaboration between Stardust and Mysten Labs is a testament to the industry's commitment to removing these barriers, enabling a focus on what truly matters—creating memorable and engaging gaming experiences.

Heroes of Mavia: Charting the Course for Web3 Strategy Gaming

Heroes of Mavia is expanding the horizons of strategy gaming with its latest updates, including the Kingdom Builder and Mavia Arena, alongside significant game improvements. These enhancements not only enrich the gameplay but also deepen player engagement through customization and competitive play. Celebrating its first anniversary, Heroes of Mavia introduces a special event offering exclusive rewards, including a limited edition hero, showcasing the game's commitment to its community.

Read also: All the news of Heroes of Mavia, the tokens, the airdrop and so much more!

Reflecting on the evolution of strategy games, Heroes of Mavia's approach resonates with the core values of gaming—community, engagement, and continuous improvement. Their commitment to enriching player experience while fostering a sense of belonging is a beacon for web3 gaming's future.

A Unified Vision for the Future of Gaming

The gaming industry's journey into web3 is not just about technological advancements; it's a narrative of innovation, community, and the relentless pursuit of creating more immersive, interactive, and inclusive gaming worlds. From Boomland's strategic adoption of Immutable zkEVM to Beoble's pioneering approach to social networking in the web3 space, these developments are not isolated incidents but part of a larger movement towards redefining gaming experiences.

As we stand on the precipice of this new era, it's essential to recognize the collective effort of developers, creators, and gamers in shaping the future of gaming. The collaborations between Stardust and Mysten Labs, along with Heroes of Mavia's continuous enhancements, exemplify the potential of web3 technologies to not just evolve gaming but to revolutionize it.

In the end, the journey into web3 gaming is a shared one, marked by our collective experiences, challenges, and triumphs. As we navigate this new landscape, let us do so with the same spirit of community and innovation that has always defined the gaming world. Together, we can turn this new chapter into an epic saga that future generations will look back on with awe and inspiration.

Facts You Should Know

In the rapidly evolving landscape of gaming, particularly with the integration of web3 technologies, there are several critical facts every gamer should know. These insights not only highlight the transformative power of blockchain and social networking within the gaming industry but also underscore the opportunities and challenges these innovations present. Let's delve into some key facts that reflect the current state and future trajectory of gaming.

The Rise of Blockchain in Gaming

  • Immutable and Seamless Transactions: Blockchain technology, particularly through platforms like Immutable X, is making transactions seamless and gas-free. This innovation significantly reduces the barriers to entry for gamers and developers alike, making digital ownership and in-game transactions more accessible and efficient.
  • Enhanced Security and Ownership: The use of blockchain ensures a higher level of security and gives players true ownership of their in-game assets. This means that items, characters, or any digital asset acquired in a game can be owned, sold, or traded in a secure environment, fundamentally changing the concept of digital assets in gaming.

Social Networking's Role in Web3 Gaming

  • Decentralized Communities: Platforms like Beoble are pioneering the integration of social networking within the gaming ecosystem, fostering decentralized communities. This allows for a more immersive and interactive gaming experience, where communities can grow organically and players can connect in more meaningful ways.
  • New Avenues for Monetization and Engagement: With the advent of social tokens and in-app trading, there's a new paradigm for monetization and engagement within games. Gamers are not just players but can become stakeholders in the gaming ecosystem, contributing to and benefiting from the game's success.

Game Developer Opportunities and Challenges

  • Lower Barriers to Entry: Collaborations, such as the one between Stardust and Mysten Labs, are simplifying the process for developers to create and launch games on blockchain platforms. This opens up a realm of possibilities for indie developers and smaller studios to innovate within the gaming space.
  • Technical Complexity and User Experience: While blockchain and web3 technologies offer numerous advantages, they also present challenges in terms of technical complexity and user experience. Ensuring games are accessible and enjoyable to the mainstream audience, not just tech-savvy individuals, is a significant hurdle that developers continue to address.

The Future of Strategy Gaming

  • Innovations in Gameplay: Games like Heroes of Mavia are pushing the boundaries of strategy gaming, integrating web3 functionalities to enhance gameplay, offer more profound engagement, and provide unique incentives to players. This evolution represents a broader trend toward more sophisticated, community-driven gaming experiences.

The intersection of blockchain technology, social networking, and gaming is creating a new frontier for the industry. As we witness these changes, it's crucial for gamers, developers, and stakeholders to stay informed and adaptable. The future of gaming is not just about play; it's about participation in a digital economy and community that values security, ownership, and meaningful connections. Understanding these facts is the first step towards navigating and shaping the future of gaming.

Web3 Gaming: Your Ultimate Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Web3 Gaming
    • What is Web3 Gaming?
    • How Does Blockchain Affect Gaming?
  3. Key Players in the Web3 Gaming Sphere
    • Boomland and Immutable zkEVM
    • Beoble's Social Networking Expansion
    • Stardust and Mysten Labs Collaboration
    • The Innovations of Heroes of Mavia
  4. FAQs: Everything You Wanted to Know About Web3 Gaming
  5. In-Depth Topics
    • Security and Ownership in Blockchain Gaming
    • The Role of Social Networking in Web3 Gaming
    • Opportunities and Challenges for Developers
    • The Future of Strategy Gaming with Web3
  6. Personal Anecdotes: My Journey with Web3 Gaming
  7. Glossary of Terms
  8. Conclusion


Hey there, fellow gamers! Welcome to our deep dive into the web3 gaming revolution. If you're curious about how blockchain is transforming our gaming experiences or wondering what on earth a "zkEVM" is, you've come to the right place. Let's embark on this journey together, exploring the new digital landscapes that blockchain technology is carving out in our beloved gaming world.

Understanding Web3 Gaming

What It Is:

Web3 gaming represents the next evolution in digital games, integrating blockchain technology to create a decentralized gaming ecosystem. Unlike traditional gaming, where the game's assets and progress are controlled by developers and confined within the game itself, web3 gaming empowers players with true ownership of in-game assets, such as characters, items, and even virtual land. These assets are tokenized on the blockchain, enabling players to buy, sell, or trade them in a secure and transparent manner, not just within the game but across the entire web3 ecosystem.

The Significance:

The shift to web3 gaming is significant because it transforms players from mere consumers into stakeholders and contributors within the gaming economy. This model fosters a more engaging and invested gaming community where players can derive real-world value from their in-game achievements and participation. Furthermore, it opens up new avenues for game developers to monetize their creations and for players to influence game development and governance.

Shaping the Future:

Web3 gaming is not just about enhancing the economic model of gaming; it's about creating a new paradigm for gaming experiences. Imagine playing a game where every mission completed, every item crafted, and every territory conquered could have real value, or where your achievements could be recognized and rewarded in tangible ways. This is the promise of web3 gaming—a more immersive, interactive, and rewarding gaming world.

How Does Blockchain Affect Gaming?

Enabling True Digital Ownership:

Blockchain technology is the backbone of web3 gaming, providing a secure and immutable ledger for recording transactions and ownership of digital assets. This means that when a player acquires an item in a web3 game, they gain true ownership of that item, verified on the blockchain. This is a radical departure from traditional gaming, where items and progress are essentially "rented" from the game developer and can be modified, deleted, or lost with changes to the game or its servers.

Facilitating Secure Transactions:

One of the key benefits of blockchain is the security and transparency it brings to transactions. In web3 gaming, this means players can buy, sell, or trade their digital assets with confidence, knowing that each transaction is securely recorded on the blockchain. This reduces the risk of fraud and scams, which have been prevalent in the trading of virtual goods in traditional gaming.

Promoting Decentralization:

Blockchain technology inherently supports decentralization, meaning that control and decision-making are distributed among the users rather than centralized in the hands of a single authority (like a game developer or company). In the context of gaming, this can lead to innovative governance models where players have a say in the direction and development of the game, fostering a more collaborative and democratic gaming community.

Encouraging Innovation and Creativity:

With blockchain, the possibilities for game development are vastly expanded. Developers can create complex economies, introduce unique tokenomics models, and build games that offer real-world economic opportunities. Players can become creators, contributing content, items, or even entire game worlds that can be monetized and shared within the community. This opens up a new frontier for creativity and innovation in gaming.

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing gaming, turning passive entertainment into active, engaged communities with real stakes in the game's economy and governance. Web3 gaming represents a shift towards a more democratic, transparent, and rewarding gaming ecosystem. It's a world where gamers have true ownership and a voice in the games they love, paving the way for a future where gaming is not just a pastime but a thriving digital economy.

Key Players in the Web3 Gaming Sphere

Let's shine a spotlight on some of the trailblazers pushing the boundaries of what's possible in gaming.

Boomland and Immutable zkEVM

What It Is:

Boomland is an innovative entity in the web3 gaming sector, known for creating immersive blockchain-based games. Immutable zkEVM (Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine) represents a cutting-edge technological framework designed to enhance the scalability and privacy of Ethereum-compatible transactions without sacrificing security.

The Significance:

The collaboration between Boomland and Immutable zkEVM marks a significant leap forward in blockchain gaming. By integrating with Immutable's technology, Boomland is addressing two of the most pressing issues in blockchain gaming: high transaction fees and complex user interfaces. This move is pivotal in making blockchain gaming more accessible and enjoyable for a broader audience, potentially revolutionizing how games are played, owned, and traded.

Shaping the Future:

This partnership is setting new standards for the industry, showing how games can leverage blockchain technology to offer a seamless, gas-free experience. It's not just about reducing costs or improving interfaces; it's about creating a fundamentally different gaming ecosystem where players have true ownership of their assets and can engage in secure, efficient transactions.

Beoble's Social Networking Expansion

What It Is:

Beoble is a web3 messaging and social networking platform that has recently secured significant funding to expand its operations. Its platform facilitates decentralized social interactions, integrating messaging, social trading, and Over-The-Counter (OTC) functionalities within the web3 space.

The Significance:

The expansion of Beoble signifies a major step toward building a comprehensive decentralized social networking ecosystem. By introducing multichain integration and in-app social trading functionalities, Beoble is not just enhancing user experience but also pioneering new ways for individuals and businesses to interact and transact in the digital realm.

Shaping the Future:

Beoble's growth trajectory points toward a future where social networking is not bound by the centralized controls of traditional platforms. It envisions a world where users have more control over their data, interactions, and the value they create online, paving the way for a more interconnected, transparent, and equitable digital community.

Stardust and Mysten Labs Collaboration

What It Is:

Stardust, a web3 gaming infrastructure provider, has partnered with Mysten Labs, the creators behind the Sui blockchain, to simplify the game development process on Sui's platform. This collaboration brings together Stardust’s integration tools and Sui’s scalable, low-fee blockchain to empower game developers.

The Significance:

This partnership is a game-changer for developers looking to enter the web3 space. By combining Stardust's integration tools with Sui's efficient blockchain, developers can more easily create and deploy games, focusing on creativity and innovation rather than overcoming technical barriers. This collaboration is expected to drive the growth of the web3 gaming ecosystem by attracting a wider array of games and fostering a diverse gaming community.

Shaping the Future:

The Stardust and Mysten Labs collaboration highlights the potential of strategic partnerships in overcoming the technical challenges of blockchain game development. It's a blueprint for how infrastructure and platform providers can work together to make web3 technologies more accessible and practical for creators, thereby enriching the gaming landscape with new experiences and opportunities.

The Innovations of Heroes of Mavia

What It Is:

Heroes of Mavia is a strategy game that has introduced innovative features like the Kingdom Builder and Mavia Arena, alongside significant game improvements. These updates aim to enhance gameplay, deepen player engagement through customization, and provide competitive play options.

The Significance:

The innovations introduced by Heroes of Mavia represent a broader trend in web3 gaming towards creating more engaging, rewarding, and community-focused experiences. By incorporating features that allow for greater player customization and competitive play, Heroes of Mavia is not just enhancing the strategic gaming genre but also setting new standards for player engagement in the web3 space.

Shaping the Future:

Heroes of Mavia's approach to strategy gaming with web3 features underscores the potential for blockchain technologies to create a more immersive and interactive gaming experience. It exemplifies how games can evolve to offer players not just entertainment, but also a platform for creativity, competition, and community building. As Heroes of Mavia continues to innovate, it paves the way for future games to leverage web3 technologies in creating rich, dynamic worlds that players can truly invest in.

Each of these developments—Boomland's partnership with Immutable zkEVM, Beoble's expansion, the collaboration between Stardust and Mysten Labs, and the innovations of Heroes of Mavia—illustrates the transformative potential of web3 technologies in gaming and social networking. Together, they're crafting a future where digital interactions are more secure, immersive, and user-centric, promising an exciting new chapter for gamers and digital communities worldwide.

FAQs: Everything You Wanted to Know About Web3 Gaming

Web3 gaming represents a seismic shift in how video games are developed, distributed, played, and perceived. It's a term that's been gaining momentum, powered by the integration of blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into the gaming ecosystem. To help you navigate through this emerging landscape, let's delve into some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about web3 gaming, providing in-depth insights and clarifications.

What is Web3 Gaming?

Web3 gaming, at its core, is the incorporation of web3 technologies — including blockchain, smart contracts, and NFTs — into the gaming industry. This new paradigm enables games where players have true ownership of in-game assets, can earn cryptocurrency through play (play-to-earn), and participate in the game's governance. Unlike traditional games where all assets and progress are stored on centralized servers owned by game developers, web3 games store these elements on a blockchain, making them transparent, secure, and interoperable across different games and platforms.

How Does Web3 Gaming Differ From Traditional Gaming?

The main difference lies in the ownership and economic model. In traditional gaming, players may spend money to acquire digital items, but they don't truly "own" these items. If the game servers shut down or if they're banned, access to purchased items is lost. Web3 gaming, on the other hand, grants players real ownership of their digital assets, represented as NFTs or other blockchain-based tokens. These assets can be sold, traded, or used across compatible games, providing a tangible value beyond the game's ecosystem.

What are NFTs and How are They Used in Web3 Gaming?

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are unique digital tokens that represent ownership or proof of authenticity of an item or asset, stored on a blockchain. In web3 gaming, NFTs are often used to represent in-game assets like characters, equipment, land, and more. Because each NFT is unique and cannot be replicated, they can carry special attributes, rarity, and value, which can fluctuate based on market demand.

Can You Make Money Through Web3 Gaming?

Yes, one of the most talked-about aspects of web3 gaming is the potential for players to earn real money through gameplay. This is often referred to as "play-to-earn." Players can earn in-game currencies, which can be exchanged for real-world currency, or they can trade or sell their NFT assets on various marketplaces. Games like Axie Infinity popularized this model, showcasing how players can generate significant income by participating in the game's ecosystem.

Is Web3 Gaming Secure?

Web3 gaming leverages the inherent security features of blockchain technology, making games and transactions secure and resistant to fraud. However, the ecosystem is not without its risks. Smart contract vulnerabilities, platform hacks, and phishing attacks are real threats. Players should exercise caution, secure their digital wallets, and conduct thorough research before investing in any web3 game or asset.

How Does Blockchain Affect Gaming?

Blockchain technology affects gaming by introducing decentralized ownership, secure transactions, and new economic models. It allows for the creation of a decentralized gaming ecosystem where players have more control and ownership over their in-game assets and actions. Additionally, blockchain enables the development of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) within games, where players can vote on game development decisions, content updates, and governance issues, fostering a more engaged and invested community.

Are There Any Downsides to Web3 Gaming?

While web3 gaming offers numerous benefits, there are also challenges and downsides. These include a steep learning curve for those unfamiliar with blockchain technology, potential environmental concerns associated with energy consumption (particularly for blockchains that use proof-of-work consensus mechanisms), and market volatility affecting the value of in-game assets and currencies. Additionally, the focus on monetization and investment can sometimes overshadow the fun and entertainment aspect of gaming.

What is the Future of Web3 Gaming?

The future of web3 gaming looks promising but is still uncertain. As technology evolves and more developers and players enter the space, we can expect to see more innovative use cases for blockchain in gaming, improved security measures, and a more seamless integration of web3 elements that don't detract from the gaming experience. The success of web3 gaming will depend on its ability to offer compelling, enjoyable game experiences that leverage blockchain's unique capabilities without compromising on fun, accessibility, or security.

Web3 gaming is still in its infancy, and as it continues to evolve, so too will the opportunities and challenges it presents. For gamers and developers alike, web3 gaming opens up a new frontier of possibilities, redefining what it means to play, own, and profit from video games.

In-Depth Topics

Security and Ownership in Blockchain Gaming

Blockchain gaming gives you a vault for your digital treasures. It's like having a super-secure backpack that no one else can open, not even the game developers.

The Role of Social Networking in Web3 Gaming

Social networking in web3 gaming turns your gaming achievements into social currency. It's as if your game scores could introduce you to new friends and communities.

Personal Anecdotes: My Journey with Web3 Gaming

Let me share a story about the first time I traded an in-game item on the blockchain. It felt like trading baseball cards on the playground, but this time, I was sure I wouldn't be scammed. That's the trust blockchain brings to the table.

Glossary of Terms Web3

Creating a glossary of terms for the web3 gaming space is crucial for anyone looking to understand or dive deeper into this evolving ecosystem. Below are some key terms and concepts commonly encountered in web3 gaming, explained in a straightforward manner.

Glossary of Terms: Web3 Gaming

Blockchain: A distributed ledger technology that records transactions across multiple computers in a way that ensures security, transparency, and immutability.

Web3 (Web 3.0): The third generation of the internet, where websites and apps process information in a smart, decentralized way, often using blockchain technology.

Cryptocurrency: A digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security, operating independently of a central bank. Examples include Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

NFT (Non-Fungible Token): A unique digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of an item or asset on a blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs are not interchangeable.

Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. They automatically execute actions (e.g., transactions) when predetermined conditions are met.

DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization): An organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members, and not influenced by a central government.

DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Financial services, including lending, borrowing, and trading, that operate on a blockchain, allowing for operations without centralized intermediaries.

Wallet (Digital Wallet/Crypto Wallet): A digital tool that allows users to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Wallets can be software-based (online, desktop, or mobile) or hardware-based.

Gas Fees: Transaction fees on a blockchain network, paid to network miners or validators to compensate for the computing energy required to process and validate transactions.

zkEVM (Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine): A technology that aims to enhance privacy and scalability on the Ethereum blockchain by using zero-knowledge proofs, allowing for secure transactions without disclosing detailed information.

Play-to-Earn (P2E): A gaming model where players can earn real-world value, often in the form of cryptocurrencies or NFTs, by playing games.

Immutable X: A layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum, focused on NFTs, which aims to provide instant trade confirmation, massive scalability, and no gas fees without compromising user custody.

Scalability: The ability of a blockchain network to handle a growing amount of transactions or processing demand efficiently.

Interoperability: The capability of different blockchain systems and applications to work together and share information, allowing for seamless experiences across various platforms and games.

Metaverse: A collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the internet.

Boomland: A gaming company at the forefront of integrating blockchain technology into their games, creators of "Hunters On-chain."

Immutable zkEVM: A cutting-edge solution for Ethereum-compatible blockchain gaming, enhancing scalability and privacy while maintaining Ethereum's security and composability.

Immutable X: A gas-free marketplace developed by Immutable, designed to eliminate transaction fees and improve user experience in blockchain gaming.

Immutable Passport: A digital identity solution by Immutable that enhances the security and efficiency of blockchain gaming, facilitating a seamless experience for players.

Beoble: A web3 social networking platform that integrates messaging, social trading, and Over-The-Counter (OTC) functionalities, paving the way for decentralized social networking in gaming.

$BBL Token: The native cryptocurrency of Beoble, used for a variety of in-app activities including B2B payments and social trading.

Multichain Integration: The ability to integrate and operate across multiple blockchain networks, enhancing functionality and user experience in web3 applications.

Stardust: A web3 gaming infrastructure provider that offers a suite of integration tools for game developers, facilitating the creation and deployment of blockchain games.

Mysten Labs: The company behind the Sui blockchain, focusing on creating scalable and user-friendly blockchain solutions.

Sui Blockchain: A blockchain platform known for its scalability and low transaction fees, developed by Mysten Labs.

Kingdom Builder: A feature in Heroes of Mavia that allows players to customize and enhance their in-game territories.

Mavia Arena: A competitive platform within Heroes of Mavia where players can engage in battles and tournaments.

This glossary provides a foundational understanding of the key terms and concepts in web3 gaming. As the industry continues to evolve, new terms and technologies will emerge, further expanding the vocabulary of digital and decentralized gaming.

Next-Gen Web3 Gaming: Boomland, Beoble, and Blockchain's Impact
Next-Gen Web3 Gaming: Boomland, Beoble, and Blockchain's Impact


Web3 gaming is not just a fad; it's the future. As we gear up for what's to come, remember that every game we play, every item we trade, and every community we build adds a chapter to this incredible story of digital innovation. So, grab your digital backpack, and let's set forth on this adventure together. The world of web3 gaming awaits!

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Peter Thiel's Investment Spearheads $85M in Startup Focused on Sentient AI

Peter Thiel's Investment Spearheads $85M in Startup Focused on Sentient AI

The Next Frontier in AI: Open-Source Development Gets a Major Boost The world of artificial intelligence is on the brink of a significant revolution, with a recent announcement shining a spotlight on the future of AI development An $85 million seed investment, led by notable entities such as Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, alongside Pantera Capital and Framework Ventures, is set to empower Sentient, an innovative open-source AI development platform This move marks a pivotal step toward creating an ecosystem where AI developers can not only share but also profit from their models and data Evolving Open-Source AI At the heart of this investment is a response to the growing concerns around the monopolization of AI technologies by a few powerful entities through closed-source systems Sentient aims to challenge this status quo by enhancing the open-source landscape, thereby offering developers a chance to become key players in the AI field...

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Eldarune Unveils Updated War of Elements Version and Hosts New Tournament

Eldarune Unveils Updated War of Elements Version and Hosts New Tournament

Welcome to the Ultimate Medieval Adventure: Get Ready for the New World of Elymnias If you've ever dreamed about diving into a realm brimming with knights, magic, and quests, but with a modern twist, then listen up Eldarune, one of the coolest names in the web3 gaming space, has rolled out an eagerly awaited update for its flagship title, World of Elymnias (WoE) But that’s not all; they’re upping the ante with a series of heart-pounding tournaments ready to challenge the community and crown champions among the players Fuelled by DIGA Labs and powered by the robust backing of Digard, Eldarune is soaring the flag of innovation in the sky of the blockchain gaming universe...

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Play To Earn Games: Best Blockchain Game List For NFTs and Crypto

Play-to-Earn Game List
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