Kakao's Metabora Joins Gaming Giants Ubisoft, Sega on Oasys Chain

Kakao's Metabora Joins Gaming Giants Ubisoft, Sega on Oasys Chain

Play To Earn Games | 08 May 2024 15:02 UTC

Dive into the future of gaming with Oasys and Kakao's Metabora! Explore how blockchain is revolutionizing play, ownership & innovation in games.

In the ever-evolving world of gaming, the fusion of traditional gaming powerhouses with cutting-edge blockchain technology heralds a new era of immersive, interactive experiences. This transformative journey recently took a significant leap forward with the announcement that Kakao Games' Web3 division, Metabora SG, has partnered with Oasys, a rising star in the gaming-centric blockchain network. This collaboration isn't just news; it's a milestone in the blockchain gaming sector, promising to bring superior blockchain games to a broader audience. Let's dive into this exciting development and explore the implications for the gaming world and beyond.

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The Dawn of a New Alliance

Imagine a world where gaming transcends the traditional boundaries of play, where blockchain technology empowers developers and players alike with unprecedented levels of engagement, ownership, and innovation. This vision is at the heart of the collaboration between Oasys and Metabora SG. Oasys' "Dragon Update" plan for 2024 aims to expand interoperability, grow the ecosystem, and develop quality gaming content. Dominic Jang of Oasys shared, "We are delighted to partner with Metabora SG, a company that fully shares our vision of revolutionizing the gaming industry through the use of blockchain technology."

A Personal Reflection

As someone who has watched the gaming industry evolve over the years, I find this partnership particularly exhilarating. I remember the days when the idea of integrating gaming with any form of technology beyond basic software seemed like a distant dream. Today, we stand on the brink of a new frontier where gaming and blockchain technology merge to create experiences far beyond what we imagined.

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Expanding Horizons

Kakao Games, known for hits like Black Desert Line and PUBG (in South Korea), and its Web3 division, Metabora SG, are no strangers to innovation. With blockchain games like Skill Blitz, Birdie Shot, and ArcheStar, they've already begun paving the way for a new gaming paradigm. The partnership with Oasys promises to accelerate this journey, expanding Metabora SG's reach into new markets, starting with Japan.

Why This Matters

The significance of this partnership extends beyond the immediate collaboration. It represents a growing trend of traditional gaming firms venturing into the Web3 space, recognizing the vast potential of blockchain to enhance gaming experiences. Ubisoft, Sega, and Bandai Namco's involvement with Oasys underscores the platform's appeal and the broader industry's shift toward embracing blockchain technology.

A Vision for the Future

The collaboration between Oasys and Metabora SG is more than just a business deal; it's a shared vision for the future of gaming. Blockchain technology offers a unique opportunity to redefine what games can be and do. From ensuring true ownership of in-game assets to enabling entirely new types of interactive experiences, the potential is boundless.

A Personal Anecdote

Reflecting on my own gaming experiences, the concept of truly owning in-game items was always a fantasy. The idea that a sword or piece of land I acquire in a game could be mine, with real-world value and utility, was unimaginable. Blockchain makes this possible, and partnerships like the one between Oasys and Metabora SG are making it a reality.

The Road Ahead

As we look to the future, the partnership between Oasys and Metabora SG is just the beginning. The "Dragon Update" plan for 2024 is set to usher in a new era of blockchain gaming, with enhanced interoperability, an expanded ecosystem, and high-quality gaming content. The collaboration marks an important milestone in the journey towards a more immersive, interactive, and innovative gaming world.

Looking Forward

The road ahead is filled with possibilities. As blockchain technology continues to evolve and integrate with the gaming industry, we can expect to see games that are not only more engaging and interactive but also offer players new levels of autonomy and investment. The partnership between Oasys and Metabora SG is a beacon of what's to come, showcasing the incredible potential of combining traditional gaming excellence with the revolutionary capabilities of blockchain technology.


The collaboration between Oasys and Metabora SG is a significant milestone in the evolution of blockchain gaming. It signifies a shared vision for the future, where gaming transcends traditional boundaries to offer experiences that are more immersive, interactive, and innovative. As we stand on the brink of this new era, it's clear that the fusion of gaming and blockchain technology will redefine what's possible, creating a world of gaming that is more engaging, empowering, and exciting than ever before.

In reflecting on this partnership, it's essential to recognize the broader implications for the gaming industry and beyond. The journey towards integrating blockchain technology into gaming is not just about creating new games; it's about reimagining the entire gaming ecosystem. It's about building a future where players have unprecedented control and ownership over their gaming experiences, where developers can innovate without bounds, and where the lines between virtual and reality blur in the most extraordinary ways.

As we look forward to the developments that will emerge from this partnership and the broader shift towards blockchain in gaming, there's a sense of excitement and anticipation. The possibilities are endless, and the future is bright for gamers and developers alike. The collaboration between Oasys and Metabora SG is not just a step forward for blockchain gaming; it's a leap into a new world of possibilities. Let's embrace this journey together, with open hearts and minds, ready to explore the vast, uncharted territories of blockchain-powered gaming. The adventure is just beginning, and the best is yet to come.

Kakao's Metabora Joins Gaming Giants Ubisoft, Sega on Oasys Chain
Kakao's Metabora Joins Gaming Giants Ubisoft, Sega on Oasys Chain

Ultimate Guide to Oasys and Metabora SG's Game-Changing Partnership

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Oasys?
  3. Who is Metabora SG?
  4. The Strategic Partnership Explained
  5. Why This Matters for Gamers and Developers
  6. Exploring the Dragon Update
  7. Impact on the Gaming Industry
  8. What's Next for Oasys and Metabora SG?
  9. FAQs
  10. Conclusion


Hey, friends! Ever heard about the big news shaking up the gaming world? Oasys, the blockchain gaming giant, and Metabora SG, a powerhouse from Kakao Games, are joining forces! It's like watching two superheroes team up to bring us the future of gaming. I'm here to break down everything you need to know about this epic partnership, in the friendliest way possible – think of me as your gaming buddy who's just as excited as you are!

What is Oasys?

Oasys is this super cool blockchain network that's all about gaming. Imagine a world where games run smoothly without any hiccups, and you, the player, have more control than ever. That's Oasys for you! They've got this neat dual-layer architecture that makes everything faster and cheaper. It's like having a VIP pass to the best games out there.

Who is Metabora SG?

Metabora SG is the cool kid from Kakao Games, known for hits like Black Desert Line and PUBG in South Korea. But they're not just about traditional games; they're diving deep into blockchain games with titles that'll make you go, "Wow!" Think Skill Blitz, Birdie Shot, and ArcheStar – games that are not just fun but also on the cutting edge of technology.

The Strategic Partnership Explained

So, Oasys and Metabora SG decided to team up, and it's like peanut butter meeting jelly. They're aiming to push the boundaries of what blockchain games can be. It's all part of Oasys' "Dragon Update" – a fancy name for their plan in 2024 to make gaming even more awesome through interoperability and killer content.

Why This Matters for Gamers and Developers

For gamers, this partnership is like hitting the jackpot. Expect more immersive games, smoother experiences, and cool perks like owning your in-game items for real. And developers? They get a playground to create the games of their dreams without worrying about tech limitations. It's a win-win!

Exploring the Dragon Update

The "Dragon Update" sounds like something out of a fantasy novel, right? But it's actually Oasys' master plan to level up the gaming world. More games, better technology, and a community that's more connected than ever. They're not just building a platform; they're crafting a universe where every gamer and developer has a voice.

Impact on the Gaming Industry

This partnership isn't just a big deal; it's a game-changer. By combining Kakao Games' expertise with Oasys' innovative technology, they're setting a new standard for what games can be. It's like when streaming services revolutionized TV – but for gaming.

What's Next for Oasys and Metabora SG?

The future looks bright, my friends. With such powerhouses joining forces, we can expect groundbreaking games that blend the best of traditional gaming with blockchain's magic. And with plans to expand into new markets, like Japan, the sky's the limit.


  • What is blockchain gaming?
    • Imagine playing games where you truly own your achievements and items. That's blockchain gaming – more control, more freedom, more fun.
  • Will this make games more expensive?
    • Actually, no! By making the system more efficient, games could become cheaper to play and more accessible to everyone.
  • How can I get involved?
    • Keep an eye on Oasys and Metabora SG's announcements. And maybe start exploring blockchain games – there's a whole new world out there!


So there you have it, folks – a partnership that's set to redefine gaming as we know it. Oasys and Metabora SG are not just making waves; they're creating a tsunami of innovation that'll wash over the gaming world, bringing us all into a future where games are more than just games; they're experiences that belong to us, the players. Stay tuned, because the best is yet to come!

Remember, this is more than just news; it's the beginning of a revolution. And you, my friend, are part of it. Let's ride this wave together and see where it takes us. Game on!

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