Cyber Titans - Game Review
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Cyber Titans - Game Review

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A chess auto battler-inspired strategy video game that immerses players in a world brimming with dynamic action and intricate tactics.

Cyber Titans presents a dynamic multiplayer strategy experience that thrusts players into the role of commanding titans in epic battles. This autobattler strategy game offers a unique twist on traditional gameplay, pitting teams of Titans against global adversaries. With a diverse roster of 43 unique characters, players can strategically merge and level up their Titans while optimizing their totem's potential. The Cyber Shop is a pivotal resource for managing in-game economies and outfitting Titans with powerful items. The strategic depth emerges from the ability to combine characters to activate synergies, thereby augmenting the overall might of their Titan team. Victory in this immersive battlefield hinges on shrewd tactics and synergistic mastery.

Cyber Titans Review

Throughout the annals of history, the enigmatic Totems of the Cyberverse have manipulated the formidable Titans for their gain. Like cosmic chess players, each deity strategically maneuvered their celestial pawns in a universe fraught with cunning and treachery. In contrast, the Frozen Realm, often associated with ominous qualities, chose isolation over hostility during the Great War. Nestled behind fortified walls, its inhabitants refused to engage in the turmoil. Once the epitome of natural beauty, the Forest Breed yielded to technological intrusion. The lush biome gave way to synthetic monstrosities, and even the gentlest creatures prepared to defend their home. The Desert Breed's deceptive visage concealed a society adept at psychological manipulation, using subtle gifts to manipulate the minds of other races.

Moreover, their strength lay in their hidden arsenal. Situated on the Zabunthar archipelago, the Electric Breed thrived on isolation, safeguarding their survival with K2 units and never venturing beyond their islands. The Electric Breed remained unwavering in their alliances amidst the chaos, exploiting the fragility of human honor to sow the seeds of a great interracial war. The advent of technology disrupted the mental equilibrium of the humanoids. Pioneers in technology, the Mountain Walkers perpetually fixated on the future.

For the Magma Breed, flesh was a frail vessel, requiring the eternal embrace of machinery. Also, they believed that progress was born from suffering, relentlessly discarding the old in pursuit of advancement. Formerly enslaved by the Electric Breed, the Ocean inhabitants rebelled during the chaos of the great war, utilizing newfound technology to break free. No pain was left unanswered, no suffering without retribution. In total, seven distinct breeds shaped the tumultuous saga of the Cyberverse.


Cyber Titans unfold on a chess-like 64-square board, requiring players to exercise keen strategic thinking when selecting and positioning their pieces within its 8x8 grid. In-game currency permits piece upgrades and acquisitions. Two gameplay modes await: Quick Game and Tournaments. Quick Games challenge players to outlast rivals, with the final survivor declared victor. Tournaments adopt a bracket system, replete with daily challenges and coveted prizes. Participation can be secured through either an entrance fee or the redemption of hard-earned CTTs from prior gameplay.

For those seeking the pinnacle of competition, Challenger Tournaments beckon, offering high stakes and commensurate rewards. Diverse pieces, each possessing unique abilities and strengths, encourage experimentation with team compositions tailored to individual preferences. Additionally, the game is accessible in Beta for PC and Mac users, accessible via download or the Elixir launcher, all accessible through the official website.


$LITT is the in-game utility token and governance token. All the NFT transactions and game mechanics depend on the single token.

Community Response

  • RodriMx68: congratulations guys, this game is atomic

  • chtiouimarwan: The digital titans are here ❤️

  • to make: It is a great strategy game with chess and NFT. all the things I love about Solana

Game Info

  • Genre: Auto-battler-inspired strategy

  • Platform: Currently in Beta for PC and Mac

  • Blockchain: Utilizes a blockchain-based token, $LITT, for in-game utility and NFT transactions

  • Category: Multiplayer strategy

  • NFTs: Yes, the game features NFTs that play a role in transactions and game mechanics

  • Tokens: The in-game utility token is $LITT

  • Game Phase: The game is in Beta phase

  • Game Type: Multiplayer, auto-battler, and strategy game


FAQ - "Cyber Titans" Gameplay

Q1: What is "Cyber Titans," and which studio developed it?

A1: "Cyber Titans" is an auto-battler-inspired strategy video game. It is developed by [Insert Game Studio Name], known for their expertise in strategy games and immersive multiplayer experiences.

Q2: What genre does "Cyber Titans" belong to, and can you explain the gameplay in more detail?

A2: "Cyber Titans" falls under the auto-battler-inspired strategy genre. In the game, players take on the role of commanding titans in epic battles on a chess-like 64-square board. Players strategically select and position their pieces on an 8x8 grid, using in-game currency for upgrades and acquisitions. The game's uniqueness lies in its ability to merge and level up Titans, fostering synergies, and outsmarting global adversaries.

Q3: What are the key features of "Cyber Titans"?

A3: The game boasts a diverse roster of 43 unique characters, each with distinct abilities. Players can explore the rich lore of the Cyberverse, which includes seven distinct breeds, and engage in multiplayer gameplay through Quick Games and Tournaments. Additionally, "Cyber Titans" incorporates blockchain technology, NFTs, and an in-game utility token called $LITT.

Q4: How does the in-game economy work, and what is the role of $LITT?

A4: "Cyber Titans" utilizes an in-game economy where players can use currency for piece upgrades and acquisitions. $LITT serves as the in-game utility and governance token. It's essential for NFT transactions and game mechanics, contributing to the game's depth and immersion.

Q5: Can you explain the game's lore and the significance of the seven distinct breeds in the Cyberverse?

A5: In the Cyberverse, the lore of "Cyber Titans" centers on the enigmatic Totems and their manipulation of powerful Titans for their gain. The game features seven distinct breeds, each with unique qualities and abilities that influence the game's engaging storyline. These breeds include the Frozen Realm, Forest Breed, Electric Breed, Desert Breed, Mountain Walkers, Magma Breed, and the Ocean inhabitants.

Q6: What type of tournaments and competitions are available in "Cyber Titans"?

A6: "Cyber Titans" offers two primary gameplay modes, Quick Games and Tournaments. Quick Games challenge players to outlast rivals, with the final survivor declared the victor. Tournaments follow a bracket system with daily challenges and coveted prizes, which players can access by paying an entrance fee or redeeming hard-earned CTTs from prior gameplay. For those seeking high-stakes competition, Challenger Tournaments provide commensurate rewards.

Q7: How can I access and play "Cyber Titans," and is it available on multiple platforms?

A7: "Cyber Titans" is currently in Beta and accessible for PC and Mac users. You can download the game or use the Elixir launcher through the official website to enjoy this immersive strategy experience.

Q8: What has been the community's response to "Cyber Titans" so far?

A8: The community response to "Cyber Titans" has been highly positive, with gamers praising the unique blend of strategy, chess, and NFT elements in the game. Players have expressed enthusiasm for the immersive gameplay, strategic depth, and captivating lore of the Cyberverse.


Now watch the video game review of Cyber Titans:




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Frequently Asked Questions Cyber Titans - Game Review

A chess auto battler-inspired strategy video game that immerses players in a world brimming with dynamic action and intricate tactics. Cyber Titans presents a dynamic multiplayer strategy experience that thrusts players into the role of commanding titans in epic battles. This autobattler strategy game offers a unique twist on traditional gameplay, pitting teams of Titans against global adversaries.

Game Description

Gamers diving into "Cyber Titans" should keep in mind the game's distinctive blend of auto-battler strategy set in a richly detailed Cyberverse. With 43 unique characters, players have the opportunity to strategically merge and level up their Titans while exploring the vast potential of totems.

The gameplay unfolds on a chess-like 64-square board, demanding strategic thinking in piece selection and placement within an 8x8 grid. In-game currency enables upgrades and acquisitions, with Quick Games and Tournaments offering varied challenges and rewards.

The lore of "Cyber Titans" introduces seven distinct breeds, each with its own unique qualities and abilities, contributing to the game's engaging storyline.

With $LITT as the in-game utility token, NFT transactions and game mechanics revolve around it. The community response has been overwhelmingly positive, praising the game's fusion of strategy, chess, and NFT elements. Gamers are in for an immersive experience where tactics and synergy reign supreme.

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