Best Play-to-Earn, Blockchain and Crypto Games: Reviews, Guides and More!

Dive into our game reviews of Play-to-Earn, crypto, and blockchain games. Explore the latest in P2E, Web3, and NFT gaming across pages filled with insights!

You can read video game reviews, P2E and crypto insights, watch videos, and access a complete list of NFT games. This list includes screenshots, game trailers, and Web3 play guides

Genre: Open World

Pixels: NFT Game Review

Pixels: NFT Game Review

Pixels - a gaming metaverse that has recently shifted to the Ronin Blockchain. With over 900,000 players already mesmerized by its pixelated charm and blockchain integration, Pixels stands out as a unique blend of farming, exploration, and creativity. Let's unpack the allure of this free-to-play game, where you can own land and flaunt NFTs as characters. It's a world that has personally captivated me and countless others with its innovative approach to gaming. Gameplay Overview: Embark on a Pixelated Adventure: Introduction to Terra Villa: Your First Step in Pixels. My first encounter with Pixels was nothing short of magical. Guided by Barney, a delightful NPC, the tutorial introduced me to the basics of farming - a skill crucial for thriving in this pixelated universe. This engaging start laid the groundwork for what was to come in Terra Villa, the main city and the heart of Pixels. Here, Ranger Dale, a character stationed at the PLOT office, introduces the concept of land ownership - a game-changing feature that elevates the Pixels experience. Quests and Land Ownership: More Than Just a Game. The transition from the tutorial to the general store was seamless. It was like stepping into a vibrant marketplace buzzing with potential adventures. The quests in Pixels aren't just tasks; they are stories waiting to be unveiled, each adding depth to the game's narrative. But here's the twist - land ownership in Pixels isn't just for show. It's a strategic move that allows you to earn resources even when you're offline. I found myself engrossed in the gameplay loop of gathering resources, crafting items, and trading them for in-game currency. It's a dynamic process that keeps you engaged and invested in your virtual land and resources. Graphics and Sound Design: A Feast for the Senses: Visuals and NFT Collections: A Pixelated Wonderland. Pixels is a visual treat with its intricate pixel graphics. The attention to detail in the buildings, actions, and the overall environment is impressive. But what really caught my eye was the integration of NFT collections for character customization - it adds a personal touch to your gaming avatar. Sound Design: Setting the Mood: The sound design in Pixels deserves a special mention. The background music changes with locations, adding an immersive layer to the gaming experience. Although, I must admit, after a few hours, the music can feel a bit repetitive. Yet, the overall sound effects are a crucial part of what makes Pixels an enjoyable experience. Review and Scoring: Weighing the Pros and Cons Positive Aspects Pixels shines with its captivating graphics and sound design. The smooth onboarding process makes it easy for new players to dive into the game. The NFT integration is a brilliant touch, adding depth to the gameplay. Concerns However, the game isn't without its drawbacks. The tutorial could use more visual cues, and some of the early missions felt a bit lengthy. For casual gamers, a six-hour quest right off the bat might be a bit much. The lack of visual guidance in the initial stages might impact the overall player experience. Conclusion: A Promising Pixelated Universe Despite these hiccups, Pixels offers a robust gameplay loop that will appeal to farming and exploration enthusiasts. With ongoing development and new features on the horizon, the game's future looks promising. The review score reflects a positive first impression with room for improvement. Pros and Cons at a Glance Pros: Intricate pixel graphics Engaging sound design Smooth onboarding process Cons: Tutorial lacks visual cues Time-consuming introductory missions Limited guidance post-tutorial Join the Pixels Adventure For those looking to explore the evolving metaverse, Pixels is a must-try. Whether you're a casual gamer or a farming aficionado, this game offers a unique mix of blockchain technology, farming, and community engagement. Dive into this dynamic universe and shape your own Pixels journey. Game Details for Pixels Enthusiasts Genre: Farming Simulation, Open-World Exploration Platform: Web Browser Blockchain: Ronin Category: Play-to-Earn, Blockchain Gaming NFTs: Yes, includes lands, avatars, collections, pets Tokens: BERRY (ERC-20) and PIXEL (upcoming) Game Phase: Evolving from Web3 farming to a decentralized world Game Type: Play-to-Earn, Multiplayer, Single-player Campaigns Discover hundreds of games like Pixels on our Games Overview pages. Check out page 1, page 2, and so on, up to page 8, and find your next gaming obsession!

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Dreams Quest - Game Review

Dreams Quest - Game Review

Have you heard about Dreams Quest? It's the talk of the town in the gaming community, and for a good reason! It's not just a game; it's a revolution in the world of RPGs. Imagine a game that's not only about the thrill of adventure but also allows you to earn while playing. Yes, you heard that right! Dreams Quest Overview: The Concept. Dreams Quest is breaking new ground with its metaverse-driven ecosystem. It's a decentralized, free-to-play RPG card game that's more than just a game – it's an experience. Remember those days when we'd fantasize about living in our game worlds? Well, Dreams Quest is making that dream a reality. The Technology: What sets it apart is the use of dynamic NFTs. This means your game actions permanently affect your NFT card attributes. It's like your cards have their own life stories, evolving with every game you play. How cool is that? The Gameplay Experience: World Building. In its inaugural season, Dreams Quest offers two realms – Celestial and Infernal – and various races. It's like stepping into a world where every choice you make shapes your journey. Game Mechanics: Players can go solo or team up with friends in epic guild battles. With seven different lands, the game offers a rich tapestry of quests, events, and tournaments. It's an adventure that keeps giving! My Personal Take: I remember playing through the enigmatic puzzles and feeling like a detective uncovering secrets of an ancient world. The game's backstory, with its age of enlightenment and mystical forces, adds layers to the gameplay that are both immersive and thought-provoking. Unique Features: Dynamic Gameplay. The game takes character progression to a new level. Your actions don't just level up your character; they literally shape the world and your assets within it. Tokenomics: And let's not forget about $DREAMS, the in-game currency. It's not just about buying and selling; it's about governance and utility within the game's universe. Community Buzz: The response from the gaming community is overwhelmingly positive. From the stunning graphics to the magical gameplay, it's clear that Dreams Quest has struck a chord. Here’s what some players are saying: Cassybaguio666: "This is so fantastic! Kudos to Dreams Quest's team." Johndarvas8830: "This so magical and the graphics are on point! I can't wait for the game to be live?" Shaunroberts2688: "These details are awesome! The lighting is perfect and there's just the right amount of fantasy!" Wendycai6038: "It's enchanting! Can't wait for this to be launched." Game Details At a Glance: Genre: Action-Adventure RPG Platform: Mobile Blockchain: Dynamic NFTs and in-game tokenomics Category: Decentralized Play-to-Earn RPG Game Phase: Ongoing, with future updates and seasons Game Type: Free-to-play, with in-game purchases FAQs What Sets Dreams Quest Apart? It's not just a game; it's a living, breathing world where your actions have real consequences. The blend of RPG elements with blockchain technology creates an experience that's both engaging and potentially rewarding. Who Will Enjoy Dreams Quest? Anyone who loves RPGs, is intrigued by blockchain technology, or just loves a good story. Whether you're a hardcore gamer or a casual player, there's something in Dreams Quest for everyone. Conclusion Dreams Quest is more than a game – it's a journey. It's a chance to be part of a community, to shape a world, and maybe, just maybe, to earn something along the way. It's not just about playing a game; it's about living a dream. Find More Game Reviews Looking for more? Check out our Games Overview pages for hundreds of game reviews like Dreams Quest. Whether you're into RPGs, action games, or puzzles, we've got something for you. Explore, play, and let your gaming adventure begin! Now, are you ready to dive into the world of Dreams Quest and discover its wonders? Let the adventure begin!

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Walker World - Game Review

Walker World - Game Review

"Walker World" is an expansive open-world adventure and multiplayer game powered by the impressive Unreal Engine 5. Developed by Walker Labs, it represents a groundbreaking addition to the world of blockchain gaming, specifically on the Ethereum blockchain. The game offers players the opportunity to interact with playable NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) that encompass avatars, weapons, and vehicles within a vast Metaverse. It stands out by emphasizing player empowerment through genuine asset ownership and digital interoperability, welcoming avatars and projects from other universes to seamlessly join its growing ecosystem. This ambitious project leverages the Unreal Engine 5 to create a third-person shooter and adventure Metaverse that supports play-to-earn experiences and allows the transfer of digital identities across different realms. The primary digital collectibles in Walker World are known as "Walkers," but the ecosystem also includes additional NFTs like weapons, territories, and vehicles, which can be minted or acquired through the OpenSea NFT marketplace. In "Walker World," players have the freedom to craft their own unique avatars, fully customizable and geared for exploration across various domains within the Metaverse. Notably, this game introduces cross-platform interoperability, enabling these carefully designed "3D animated, full-body, fully rigged characters" to seamlessly explore alternate gaming universes. Additionally, the Metaverse offers a novel digital landscape where individuals can transform into enhanced versions of themselves upon entry. Players have full ownership of their Walker characters, and their evolution is influenced by in-game cosmetics and a thriving marketplace for territories and assets. The in-game currency of "Walker World" is $WALK, which operates on the Ethereum blockchain. The community response to "Walker World" has been overwhelmingly positive, with gamers and crypto enthusiasts expressing their excitement. Comments from users include expressions like "NEXT LEVEL!!!" and "Web3 gaming just got interesting!!!" The game's potential for player-versus-player (PVP) interactions has generated significant anticipation. In summary, "Walker World" is a cutting-edge blockchain-powered Metaverse that combines the capabilities of Unreal Engine 5 with NFTs to offer players a unique and highly customizable gaming experience. Its emphasis on genuine asset ownership, digital interoperability, and cross-platform play sets it apart in the world of blockchain gaming, and it has garnered enthusiastic support from the gaming and crypto communities. In "Walker World," gamers are in for an immersive adventure within a blockchain-powered Metaverse. Crafted by Walker Labs and driven by Unreal Engine 5, this open-world game offers unique experiences. Players can customize their avatars and explore diverse domains. What sets "Walker World" apart is its emphasis on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for avatars, weapons, and more, ensuring true asset ownership. The game also introduces cross-platform interoperability, allowing avatars to seamlessly venture into other gaming realms. You'll find an in-game marketplace for assets and territories, further enhancing your gameplay. With Ethereum-based in-game currency, $WALK, you can engage in various transactions. But what truly stands out is the community's excitement. Gamers and crypto enthusiasts are buzzing about the potential of "Walker World." It's an invitation to a new era of gaming with ownership at its core. So, dive into this evolving Metaverse and unleash your gaming prowess while keeping an eye on its promising future.

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Defitankland: MMO Tank Game on Arbitrum Blockchain - Review

Defitankland: MMO Tank Game on Arbitrum Blockchain - Review

The Defitankland is an exciting MMO tank game that leverages the power of the Arbitrum blockchain to deliver an immersive gaming experience. It aims to build a global player community focused on collaboration and epic tank battles, catering to both new and experienced gamers with user-friendly controls and mechanics. Players can form guilds, engage in cooperative missions, and participate in thrilling PvP battles while honing their strategies. The game introduces innovative monetization through NFT tanks, guild NFTs, and item NFTs, allowing players to collect, trade, and potentially profit from these exclusive assets. The in-game economy offers various ways to earn currency and valuable rewards, with DFTL serving as the core token. Defitankland offers diverse game modes, including PvP battles, cooperative missions, exploration, and quests, ensuring an engaging experience for all players. Customization is a key aspect, allowing players to tailor their tanks to match their preferred strategy and style, with upgrades in armor, firepower, speed, and abilities. Effective resource management, terrain utilization, and team coordination are essential for victory. The tokenomics of the game revolve around $DFTL, which is used for trading NFTs within the ecosystem. Defitankland introduces three main NFT categories: Tanks, Factories, and Guild Items, each representing players' progress and commitment within the game. Tanks are customizable NFTs crucial for gameplay and potential trading, while Factories fuel the in-game economy and produce resources and items. Guild Items, specialized NFTs tied to guild gameplay, enhance members' abilities and bonuses, evolving with guild progress. The community response to Defitankland has been positive, with enthusiasts showing excitement for its potential within the DeFi ecosystem. Some users are cautiously waiting to see how the game evolves before making decisions, while others highlight the promising tokenomics system and mechanics. Overall, Defitankland promises unforgettable adventures for players ready to dive into its thrilling world.

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Dark Taverns - Game Review

Dark Taverns - Game Review

Dark Taverns is an expansive, free-to-play, turn-based MMORPG that takes place in a one-of-a-kind fantasy realm brimming with enigmatic wonders and enchantment. Traverse through the dense woodlands and unearth legendary artifacts and creatures... Unite with fellow adventurers to form guilds and confront emerging dangers... or venture out solo to uncover the mysteries of the realm! Embark on a quest to uncover hidden dungeons, treasure troves, and enigmas that can provide valuable aid on your journey. Engage in thrilling adventures that are constantly growing, allowing you to delve deeper into the game's narrative and strike down your foes!

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WaveLings - Game Review

WaveLings - Game Review

"WaveLings" is a unique game that introduces artificial intelligence (AI) companions to non-fungible token (NFT) characters in order to enhance the gameplay experience. These AI companions assist the player's NFT characters in various ways, such as providing support in battles or offering special abilities. The use of AI companions is a novel idea that is likely to add an interesting dynamic to the game's mechanics. "WaveLings" is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game that is built on the Enjin blockchain ecosystem. The game features a fully realized virtual world for players to explore and complete tasks and quests in order to earn points, ranking, and cryptocurrency. "WaveLings" was developed by Axana Games, a studio specializing in creating engaging and immersive gaming experiences. The game's use of blockchain technology and focus on completing tasks and quests to earn rewards is likely to appeal to many players. WaveLings Gameplay: In "WaveLings," players are immersed in a futuristic, fictional world where blockchain technology has brought about a utopian society. The game allows players to buy or earn parcels of land that can be used for farming new resources and making investments. These land parcels are tradeable tokens that can be exchanged or sold on the EnjinX marketplace and other marketplaces. Players can also use their land parcels to advertise real-life products and create non-fungible tokens (NFTs) out of them. The game's dynamics involve players joining giant corporations that determine their friends and foes, adding an element of social interaction and competition to the gameplay experience. "WaveLings" has partnered with the Enjin platform and uses the ERC-1155 token on blockchain technology. Enjin's Efinity sidechain, which operates on Ethereum, provides the security and protection needed for games like "WaveLings." Efinity is not a blockchain, but rather a sidechain that is connected to the main Ethereum blockchain. This connection allows Efinity to offer many of the same benefits as the Ethereum blockchain, such as security and decentralization, while also providing additional scalability and performance advantages. Overall, the use of the ERC-1155 token and the Efinity sidechain helps to ensure that "WaveLings" is a secure and stable platform for players to enjoy.

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Ascenders - NFT Game Review

Ascenders - NFT Game Review

"Ascenders" is a high-quality blockchain game that features an expansive open-world environment for players to explore. The game is classified as an AAA-level title, indicating a level of quality and polish that is typically found in major commercial releases. Players can expect a rich and immersive gameplay experience as they explore the world of "Ascenders." "Ascenders" features a compelling storyline and a decentralized in-game economy that is driven by player actions. Players have complete control over the supply and demand of resources within the game and can trade with each other freely in the overworld. The game's open-world environment and player-driven economy create a dynamic and immersive gameplay experience that encourages players to explore and interact with each other. "Ascenders" was developed by Legendary Foundry Limited and offers players various play-to-earn game modes to choose from. The game uses non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and a dual token economy to facilitate trade and competition among players. While the game is still in development, a demo is available for players to try out. The demo showcases the high-quality graphics and user interface that players can expect from the full release, which is sure to be a major draw for many players. The game's combination of immersive gameplay and traditional mainstream gaming aesthetics is sure to keep players coming back for more. Ascenders Gameplay: The gameplay looks like a mix of Zelda and Eve: Online with the former’s sub-terrain story and the latter’s MMO economy. The Ascenders follow three game modes namely the explorer mode, the builder mode, and the fighter mode. In the explorer mode, players can roam around the open environment and look for rare resources, free land, and dungeons. In the builder mode, the players have a wide possibility of constructing structures and buildings like the Guildhalls, the Armorsmiths, the Stables, Silos, and Refineries, all of whom contribute to the game’s economy.

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Ember Sword - Game Review

Ember Sword - Game Review

Ember Sword is a blockchain game having the concept of nations and a dystopian moon. Ember Sword is a free-to-play game that features classless combat, allowing players to customize their character's abilities and playstyle as they progress through the game. This means that players are not restricted to predefined classes and can create their unique fighting style, making the gameplay experience more diverse and engaging. The game offers a wide range of weapons, armors, and skills to choose from, providing players with the freedom to explore different approaches to combat. Thanabus moon will host the four nations; Solarwood, Duskerton, Sevrend, and Ediseau. Solarwood will also have alpha testing. The rest of the country's parks will open in 2023 and after. Upon character creation, players choose one of the four nations to call home once the game is finished. Ember Sword is currently in testing mode with pre-registration open for players to play. Land sales are done through their website, and early-access landowners have the luxury to participate in alpha testing. The game is free and also play-pay earn, you can choose how you want to play for yourself. In-Game Currency and NFTs: Collecting NFTs and landownership is possible via the Ethereum blockchain. Ember is the in-game currency, an ERC-20 token that is purchasable in the game (if the supply is sufficient). Consequently, the token lets you purchase land and collectible in-game NFTs. To gain precious NFTs and level up your character, you must engage in active combat. There are two types of combat: player vs player (PvP) and player versus environment (PvE). You may make stronger weapons, gain more loot, and grow more powerful in-game by levelling up your character by defeating monsters and other players. Melee, ranged, and energy weapons are the three categories of weaponry. Because there are no hero classes, you are not restricted to a single weapon type.

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Decentraland - Game Review

Decentraland - Game Review

Decentraland is a 3D virtual reality platform that operates on the Ethereum blockchain, offering users a decentralized metaverse where they can create, trade, and explore immersive digital experiences. Founded by Ari Meilich and Esteban Ordano, Decentraland has evolved into a groundbreaking virtual world that empowers creators and users while utilizing blockchain technology. Here's an extensive summary of Decentraland's key features and dynamics. Land Ownership and Building: At the core of Decentraland is the concept of land ownership. Users can purchase virtual plots of land called LAND. Each LAND token represents a 33x33 ft. piece of virtual land within Decentraland's metaverse. These LAND tokens are non-fungible tokens (NFTs) based on the ERC721 protocol, making them tradeable assets just like traditional NFTs. LAND owners have the creative freedom to build various 3D structures and artwork on their land parcels, from houses and theaters to offices and museums, and even banks, shopping malls, grocery stores, sculptures, landscapes, and towers. Tokenomics: Decentraland's economy revolves around two tokens: LAND and MANA. LAND tokens, as mentioned earlier, represent virtual land ownership. MANA is the platform's native cryptocurrency, which operates as an ERC-20 token. MANA has several use cases within the ecosystem, including purchasing items in the Decentraland Marketplace, acquiring tickets to virtual events, and obtaining LAND tokens. MANA is also fungible, making it easily tradable on major cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance. Immersive Experience: Decentraland offers an immersive experience where users can customize their avatars to their liking, enhancing the sense of presence in the virtual world. The decentralized nature of the platform extends to governance, allowing members to vote on policy changes, land auctions, and subsidies. This democratic approach adds a layer of realism to the virtual experience, mirroring real-world decision-making processes. Platform Architecture: Decentraland operates on a three-layered architecture. The Consensus Layer tracks LAND ownership, the Land Content Layer handles asset distribution, and the Real-Time Layer facilitates peer-to-peer interactions, enabling a seamless and interactive virtual world. Development and ICO: Development of Decentraland began in 2015, culminating in a closed beta launch in 2019 and a public release in February 2020. The project raised $24 million through an initial coin offering (ICO) in August 2017. Notably, Decentraland's MANA tokens are mined using ASIC mining rigs, employing a proof-of-work consensus mechanism similar to Ethereum. Additionally, off-chain voting through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) allows the community to participate in governance decisions. Token Supply: The total supply of MANA tokens is capped at 2.19 billion, and users can acquire MANA through various centralized and decentralized exchanges, including Coinbase. Unique Features: Decentraland differentiates itself from other virtual worlds by offering a decentralized and user-owned metaverse. This empowers creators to fully realize the value of their creations, while users have greater control over their virtual experiences, content, and interactions. Activities in Decentraland: Within Decentraland, users can engage in a wide range of activities, including socializing, gaming, exploring user-generated scenes, visiting virtual galleries, attending events, and trading virtual assets. These activities make Decentraland a dynamic and engaging virtual world. Participation in Governance: Decentraland's governance system allows MANA and LAND token holders to participate in shaping the platform's future. Users can propose changes, vote on policy decisions, and actively contribute to the development of the metaverse. In summary, Decentraland represents a pioneering virtual reality metaverse that leverages blockchain technology to create a decentralized, user-driven ecosystem. It offers users the opportunity to own virtual land, engage in creative activities, and participate in the governance of a truly immersive and interactive virtual world.

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All Gaming News
Metacene NFT Game Review: Play Guide

Metacene NFT Game Review: Play Guide

Are you ready for an action-packed MMORPG experience like no other Look no further than Metacene, developed by Pangu Software This game takes traditional MMORPG mechanics and gives them a futuristic twist, complete with anime-style characters, deep lore, and cutting-edge Web3 integrations Dive into a world where adventure knows no bounds, and where you can shape your destiny by joining forces with Guilds and engaging in thrilling battles Embark on an Epic Journey As you step into the world of Metacene, you'll be greeted with visuals reminiscent of Genshin Impact and other popular JRPGs...

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Deadrop: Dr. Disrespect's NFT Shooter Lets Loose the Mayhem!

Deadrop: Dr. Disrespect's NFT Shooter Lets Loose the Mayhem!

Deaddrop is a brand-new free-to-play AAA vertical extraction shooter (VES) that uses non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to take online multiplayer competition to a whole new level. Deadrop was made by Midnight Society, a studio run by Dr. Disrespect, a well-known YouTuber and content creator. Players of all skill levels will enjoy it. Dr. Disrespect, whose real name is Herschel "Guy" Beahm IV, started the game company Midnight Society. Deadrop came out on July 30, 2022, from the studio that made it. It is a fast-paced shooter with a gameplay feature called "vertical extraction," which gives the popular battle royale genre a new twist. Since it came out, Deaddrop has gotten a lot of attention, especially from people who like competitive games like Call of Duty.

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Review & Guide: Playing SERAPH NFT Game - Mastering the Darkness

Review & Guide: Playing SERAPH NFT Game - Mastering the Darkness

Hey guys, bringing you the lowdown on the most epic dark ARPG game that's been blowing up the internet - Seraph! Developed on Arbitrum by the masterminds at Actoz Soft, this game is all about choosing your warrior, beefing up with insane weapons, and taking on bosses that will blow your mind to secure some sweet, sweet loot. Let's dive in!

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Discover Epic Ragmons in Ragnarok: Monster World - NFTs and More!

Discover Epic Ragmons in Ragnarok: Monster World - NFTs and More!

Get ready to meet the Ragmons, the new stars of Ragnarok: Monster World! These unique creatures will revolutionize your strategic tower defense battles. Divided into five rarities—Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythic—each Ragmon boasts exclusive skills and movesets. Imagine creating diverse decks tailored to your strategies! At launch, expect 30-40 Ragmons, with new ones added every season to keep the gameplay fresh. Are Ragmons NFTs? You bet! They're available as off-chain characters and on-chain NFTs, making the game accessible for Web2 gamers while offering ownership options for NFT enthusiasts. The Web3 integration ensures balanced gameplay with no unfair advantages. Plus, you can convert off-chain creatures into NFTs! Collect and level up your Ragmons through exciting events, quests, Gacha, and Lottery events. Use the Level Up Merge feature to enhance your Ragmons' levels. Remember, merging isn’t always guaranteed, adding an extra layer of strategy to the game.

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Limited NFT Collection: Katana Inu & Baby Doge Team Up

Limited NFT Collection: Katana Inu & Baby Doge Team Up

Katana Inu, an on-chain multiplayer game featuring Free-to-Play and Play-and-Earn elements, has partnered with Baby Doge, a popular meme token on the BNB Chain, to release a limited NFT collection This collaboration aims to bridge traditional and blockchain gaming communities, offering a fair and engaging experience Marwan Haddad, founder of Katana Inu, stated: "Our upcoming NFT collection with Baby Doge is another testament to our vision of expanding the Katana Inu universe to new horizons Through this collection, community members will be able to mint a treasure chest containing randomly selected NFTs from our weapons collection and Baby Doge character collection This is your chance to collect some of the rarest weapons and skins the Katana Inu armory has to offer...

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US Boosts Bounty for Arrest of OneCoin's Chief, Ruja Ignatova

US Boosts Bounty for Arrest of OneCoin's Chief, Ruja Ignatova

US Raises Stakes in Hunt for OneCoin Scam Leader The search for justice in the cryptocurrency world intensifies as the United States Department of State ups the ante, offering a record $5 million for information leading to the capture of Ruja Ignatova Ignatova, better known as the mastermind behind the notorious OneCoin fraud, has been eluding international law enforcement since her disappearance Marked as one of the FBI's most wanted since 2022, the so-called "Cryptoqueen" has been slipping through the net despite efforts to bring her to justice In a significant boost, the reward money saw an exponential rise from its initial offer in a bid to clamp down on one of the most significant scams in the crypto space Ignatova was last seen in Athens, Greece, in 2017, a mere shadow since her empire started crumbling...

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CleanSpark Acquires GRIID for $155 Million in Stock Transaction

CleanSpark Acquires GRIID for $155 Million in Stock Transaction

Unlocking the Power of Expansion: CleanSpark's Strategic Move to Tennessee The world of Bitcoin mining is witnessing a significant shift as companies vie for supremacy in this high-stakes arena At the forefront of this transformative period is CleanSpark, a company that has carved a niche for itself with its innovative approach to cryptocurrency mining The latest buzz around CleanSplash's strategic maneuvers is its decisive expansion into Tennessee through a noteworthy acquisition of GRIID Infrastructure This all-stock deal, valued at a whopping $155 million, is not just a game-changer for CleanSpark but could very well redefine the landscape of Bitcoin mining in the United States So, what does this move mean for CleanSpark, and how does it affect the broader spectrum of cryptocurrency mining...

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Axie Infinity– the Year 2024

Axie Infinity– the Year 2024

Axie Infinity is a popular name in the Web 3.0 NFT crypto gaming space, and many of us have heard about it. Its meteoric rise in a single year, followed by a precipitous drop in 2022, is quite the story. Even if you don't like crypto, you probably agree that Axie Infinity has become the best example of crypto Web3 NFT gaming. It became the face of the industry with the revolution it brought and was touted as one of the best blockchain game apps. It flipped the lives of many, taking them from rags to riches in no time. On the contrary, it also caused catastrophic losses to others. So, how did Axie Infinity perform in the year 2022? And what does the future hold for this blockchain game? Let’s analyze the current situation as well as what the future might hold.Axie Infinity and the Year 2022: How Has It Unfolded?Axie Infinity is a popular or infamous Pokemon-inspired blockchain game where players breed, raise, and battle cute little monsters called Axies. The game is based on a "play to earn" model. The game offers rewards in cryptocurrency to the players, exchangeable for real money. The developer of the game as well as the Ronin Bridge is a Vietnam-based studio, Sky Mavis. Axie Infinity came out in 2018, but it became very popular very quickly because of the pandemic and the global lockdown. Just during last year’s summer, players were earning so much through the game that they had to quit their regular full-time jobs to invest more time in the game, especially in low and middle-income countries.Axie Infinity's future: do we have high expectations?The game requires players to buy NFTs to begin playing, which players gladly did even though the entry investment was more than $1000 at its peak. Also, the people who made the game were worth more than $3 billion after Andreessen Horowitz led a $152 million funding round in October 2021. Everything was looking picture-perfect, and the global Axie frenzy was surely leading the revolutionary play to earn gaming space. But it all started to fall apart just at the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022. The year 2022 proved rougher for Axie Infinity.Axie Infinity Witness: Rise and Decline (Current Standing)Long before the unfortunate hack, Axie Infinity started losing its number of daily active users in November 2021. It only got worse in 2022; the decrease was more than 45% from its peak at the end of 2021. Before the hack, Axie Infinity’s DAUs had plummeted to 1.48 million from a high of 2.7 million. Moreover, the value of the in-game currency also suffered and saw a new low of $0.02. It was all happening amid the cryptocurrency market crash and dwindling interest in NFTs.Just as Sky Mavis was working hard to convince and inspire its community by making long-term promises, the record-breaking hack happened. On March 23, 2022, Axie Infinity got hacked, and the hackers made off with $620 million worth of cryptocurrency, making it the biggest crypto heist of all time. With this hack and the ongoing crypto winter, it was hard for Sky Mavis and Axie Infinity to get people to trust them again. So, why did Axie Infinity face player retention issues even before the hack? The game offers its community the sole motivation of earning money. The elements of entertainment and fun are given little to no value by Sky Mavis. It reduces the game to no more than digital sharecropping and just the grind. The game was and still is primarily driven by speculation, and it is heavily reliant on new players. As soon as the inflow of new players slowed down, the tokenomics of the game went out of control in 2022.However, the current standing of the game is not all bleak and horrific. Axie Infinity showed a silver lining for the first time since the hack and the FTX implosion. AXS of Axie Infinity records a solid gain of 23.83% and sits at $8.28 at the time of writing. So, how is Axie Infinity still hanging around and showing signs of resurgence?Axie Infinity's future: do we have high expectations?Axie Infinity: What to Expect in 2023 and BeyondThe speculation or prediction here is not financial advice for our readers. The play-to-earn gaming industry is only four years old and still a toddler when compared to the traditional gaming space. Sky Mavis believes that it has learned a lot from its recent challenges with blockchain projects. It will introduce beneficial changes to its new blockchain project, Axie Origins. Axie Origins has already seen over a million downloads in its early days. Instead of breeding Axies, players will be able to earn cryptocurrency by collecting and trading charms and amulets. Moreover, Sky Mavis also plans to launch a metaverse where users will have the opportunity to own digital lands. The idea is to integrate the AXS token into all projects.But, with so many big names like Ubisoft and other Korean gaming giants coming into blockchain gaming, Axie Infinity will no longer remain at the top given its tedious gameplay. So, Axie needs to focus on the gameplay part if it wants to stay important in the Web3 gaming community. However, one thing is for sure: Axie Infinity isn’t going to die easily, as it has strong backing. It will surely survive the crypto-winter.Other articles on Axie Infinity are Breeding guide, how to begin with Axie and the different classes in Axie Infinity.Gaming News Of Video Game Consultant;Every day the latest video game news about the gaming industry. Video games news on NFTs (non-fungible tokens, NFT, NFT’s), Play to Earn (P2E/Play-to-Earn), crypto games and cryptocurrencies, gaming guilds, Metaverse, VR, AR, AI, Virtual Worlds, Avatars, Digital Assets, In-game digital currencies, Web3 development, Blockchain-based video games and its transactions and payments in the games.Entertainment and all the big tech companies and technology behind it. Hyper Casual Games and the game studios that lead the way. Mobile games, PC games, and Console Games and their vision on cloud gaming, streaming, esports, and gamer communities. Online digital entertainment like movies, music, concerts, art, and top brands such as fashion and much more that connect with video games in the metaverse.If you want to stay up-to-date of Gumi Cryptos Capital, then follow me on Google News.

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Web3 Gaming Weekly Wrap-Up

Web3 Gaming Weekly Wrap-Up

Interesting week wrapping where a lot happened during the week in the Web3 gaming industry. We got our hands on a significant report on blockchain gaming activity by DappRadar. Additionally, we saw Binance Group coming to the rescue and providing its platform to Gala Games Contract Upgrade. Eternal Dragons came out with a massive update introducing quest mode and NFT integration. Furthermore, Ultra Games rolls out its Chrome extension for Ultra Wallet. More news from the gaming sector where The Nemesis metaverse launched its NEMS token, Champions Ascension moving to Polygon blockchain, The Sandbox May Festival, and Blocklords opening community beta. Finally, big news for NFT enthusiasts, NFT Worlds announces Rebrand to Topia. According to DappRadar, blockchain gaming experiences have seen a decline in activity. However, there are still some updates and launches taking place within the industry. Eternal Dragons has introduced its biggest update, Ultra Games has launched its Chrome extension, BLOCKLORDS has released its community beta, and Champions Ascension is moving to the Polygon blockchain and making other upgrades. Additionally, NFT Worlds has rebranded itself to Topia.

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Puffverse Upgrade to Ronin and Moonbirds New Look and Licensing

Puffverse Upgrade to Ronin and Moonbirds New Look and Licensing

Dive into the latest gaming revolution with Puffverse’s exciting transition to the Ronin blockchain and Moonbirds' fresh artistic reinvention. In this article, we explore how Puffverse is enhancing its gaming experience by moving to Ronin, promising faster gameplay and reduced costs for players. Moreover, Puffverse introduces enticing features like NFT burning and exclusive token giveaways, ensuring a richer player experience. On the other side, Moonbirds is redefining its NFT collection with new art directions and ending its Creative Commons licensing. This shift not only spices up its visuals but also empowers NFT owners with more control and potential earnings from their digital assets. Additionally, Moonbirds' collaboration with Yuga Labs and their venture into physical collectibles blend the digital with the tangible. Get ready to embrace these pioneering changes that are setting new standards in the gaming and NFT landscapes. Jump in and experience the future of gaming now!

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